An Unsettled Sea
For decades I felt increasingly as one running to the top of a tower while barbarians battered the doors below.
There was some relief in finding
Sowell and
others, voices of reason in the darkness.
Though at times I wonder, are we merely listening to the band play as the ship sinks slowly into the sea?
The breadth and volume of opposition to rational, moral thought are both puzzling and alarming.
How could so many zealously serve ideas that can only be fatal to just and benevolent society?
History tells of many times when the masses, often misled, often in blind self righteousness, wrought great ill,
And in the face of the present onslaught, can we hope to follow
Aeneas ...
Leonidas? Or will the tide carry us all nameless out into the deep?
But we remember, few of our heroes foreknew the outcome of their battle, only duty, honor, courage.